I'm just going to say this post is a bit scattered. Fair enough warning. Have you ever heard that doing everyday routines backwards or maybe using your left hand instead can challenge you and make you use the other side of your brain? Anybody? Like for instance, maybe instead of brushing your teeth with your right hand, use the left one. Tried it and its not easy. Or maybe instead of tying your shoe and holding the loop w/ your right and wrapping the string w/ your left, just switch it. Again tricky. Well yesterday as I was eating supper, I thought of a new one and it was much much easier. Instead of eating my sweet corn from left to right, how about right to left? Maybe? Anyways I also realized tonight how stupid it is to put movie previews on movies that are already out. If you rented the movie or bought it, chances are you don't care about any other movie because chances are that movie is already out or sucks because they didnt spend enough money to put the previews on the big screen. Why not satisfy everyone and just save the previews for the big screen?
So I think today is as good of day as any to share with you some of the sites from work this summer...most of them have been within the last 4 days, but not all.
Some punk kids rolled a trash barrel down the terraces...it makes you wonder why?
Mowing around a lake/wetland/wooded area more or less means you will deal with deer and or horse flies...lucky we have Sam. He's killed 21 in an hour w/ nothing but quick hands haha.
If I'm not mowing I am getting the fields ready for the baseball/softball games. And I sort of have a love hate relationship w/thunderstorms. I always love watching/listening to them and hope for them while I am at work, but at the same time it makes getting the fields ready no fun at all.
If it's not flies and snakes, it's spiders. This guy I spotted as I was paying my water bill yesterday. Not what I needed at a time like that.
Sam was trying to get me back by throwing a tennis ball at my deck so that I would run over it. Well let's just say I didn't run over it and as he was looking to see if I did he ran straight into the tree.
And this picture is Sam holding the fish he caught after he went all MacGyver on us. He caught it w/ only his two hands, a paper clip and a gum wrapper. Ok not really, it was already dead on the shore...but he was easily talked into picking it up for a picture and I thank him for that.
So as you can see we find ways of entertaining ourselves at work. Enough said.