Imogen Heap I like, but no I don't like you

>> Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am a fan of Imogen Heap's song Hide and Seek. I don't know if it is the harmonics or just that it is so different from everything else I listen to. I am not, however, a fan of the Game and Jay-z butchering the song. I don't like Jason Derulo using part of the song in his either. It just bothers me.

Imogen Heaps lastest release.


Birthday Cards

I tend to be the kind of guy who makes cards for my g/f rather than going and buying them. Admittedly, some of my cards are better than others, but I think they all make her smile. This one, however, I am especially proud of:)


Whats Happening In My Life...

>> Sunday, August 9, 2009

With only a short while left, summer vacation has flown by. Here's an update in what is going on in my life...

Currently listening to Lucky by Jason Mraz, which I'll have you know that part of that video was shot in Prague, which I have visited!

Speaking of Prague, these are two paintings I like of that city.

I have been working all summer on a project at Manchester. I have been trying to make a model of the Eel River Watershed. I am getting close to the finish, but let's just say it has been kicking my butt. Besides that I haven't really been doing much art stuff and it is driving me nuts. I need to do more but between work, driving to Manchester and other odd things that keep coming up I am struggling to make time!!! There is a show coming up that would be good to enter so I NEED to do it.

I really love Lake Michigan. There are some new sunset photos on my flickr account if you haven't seen them.

I am really beginning to like soccer. I watch it a lot at school and it scares me.

I think this dairy queen commercial is hilarious. I really just like the guy's thought process haha. Seriously, DQ always has the best commercials.

So ya, in a quick sum that is what's happening in my life.


About This Blog

This blog is a collection of my everyday thoughts, feelings and actions. I view it as a release of what it going on in my life and an opportunity to share it with everyone. I try to be creative with what I post, but it often involves lots of short posts and photographs. I am not quite sure I have the same humor and interests as all of my viewers but I hope that it catches your attention nonetheless. Without further ado, Open Your Heart and Catch My Disease! Enjoy my piece of the blogging world!

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