I Sit On a Throne of Lies

>> Sunday, April 13, 2008

I appologize...I really thought I could do it. I said I was going to have a new post up 4 days ago and I am just now getting to it. Thus, the throne of lies and the reference to the movie Elf, which btw is one my favorites. My lies aside I suppose a more appropriate title for this blog would be Barnes & Noble. It's pretty obvious that I love going to Barnes & Noble on dates w/ my g/f. I don't know why or how, but it just kind of grew on me. It's almost like our spot...a bit weird, but let me explain... I think there must be some unidentified force which encompasses all of the store. Honest. Everytime I walk into the store my mind races with thoughts, I feel creative,alive, happy and almost as if I could do or create anything. Yesterday, for example, I looked into a book full of random peoples dirty secrets. Really? It basically was like the All American Rejects video in a book, just huge. (link below). I could totally do that! That could be me who came up with that! Little odd books...surely I could come up with something fun and interesting to read/look at. Paper weights? Sure. Coffee? You better believe it...I often think that if I struck it rich I would have my own coffee shop. Nothing big or fancy....just small, cozy, aromas filling the air and books. Which reminds me of some random thought I had yesterday....I saw a family of like 6 all with Starbucks. I really never want to have to buy Starbucks for 6 people. Sofa King much money. Speaking of money, when was the last time you saw a cent sign? I thought of that the other day...And since when did comic books start having 369 pages? I always thought they were like 10-20 or something. The last of my random thoughts is a shout out to my sister....I think you would enjoy the book above. So besides thinking I can basically create/find/someday have something of my own in Barnes & Noble, I love the store because it was part of my first date w/ my g/f. Everytime is a reminder of it:)


Char April 13, 2008 at 11:32 PM  
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Char April 13, 2008 at 11:37 PM  

oh babe it IS our place!! and it definitely was an amazing part of our first date!! xo

ashley April 14, 2008 at 9:40 PM  

you are right my brother. it's hard to say which i'd like better....the book itself or the actual friday night knitting club. :)

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This blog is a collection of my everyday thoughts, feelings and actions. I view it as a release of what it going on in my life and an opportunity to share it with everyone. I try to be creative with what I post, but it often involves lots of short posts and photographs. I am not quite sure I have the same humor and interests as all of my viewers but I hope that it catches your attention nonetheless. Without further ado, Open Your Heart and Catch My Disease! Enjoy my piece of the blogging world!

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