All My Thoughts In Ten Minutes...

>> Thursday, April 3, 2008

So I'm writing all the thoughts that come into my mind during ten minutes. Should be fun or at least entertaining I am hoping. I am listening to a youtube video of a guy covering an Amos Lee song, he's more or less amazing...the cover and amos lee. Why does there seem to always be that one person who no matter how hard you try to resist them, they can just annoy the hell out of you? Really this cover is good. Ever wondered how Pringles got their name? or just who Dr. Pepper really is? or maybe why it seems like they make the walls at college so incredibly thin you can't help but hear everything that goes on next door or across the hall and you act like you don't enjoy it, but secretly you dooo infact like listening in sometimes when people are talking, but loud music late at night is like having a jackhammer inside your skull when you are trying to sleep. I am not sure that all made sense. 3 minutes. Distractions. Why do they put more than the daily vitamin c intake you need in juice boxes bc you can't do anything with it....its a waste really.....a water soluble vitamin you urinate out. Who knew? Anyways I was hoping this would be somewhat entertaining but I feel like it is in fact a disappointment. 1 minute. I wonder just how infected my roomates mirror is.....zit juice from the entire year all over it. Since when have band aids become a symbol of advantages for white people? I really hate peace studies.....Done.


Char April 3, 2008 at 12:50 AM  

ive seen that mirror, i think its pretty well diseased

About This Blog

This blog is a collection of my everyday thoughts, feelings and actions. I view it as a release of what it going on in my life and an opportunity to share it with everyone. I try to be creative with what I post, but it often involves lots of short posts and photographs. I am not quite sure I have the same humor and interests as all of my viewers but I hope that it catches your attention nonetheless. Without further ado, Open Your Heart and Catch My Disease! Enjoy my piece of the blogging world!

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