Catch My Disease...

>> Friday, April 4, 2008

For all of those who didn't know, I seriously enjoy quotes and lyrics.....not so much all lyrics to songs, but more like phrases in songs as I see them. Somehow I turn them around to fit what I am thinking or feeling. This being the case I decided to have at least one phrase from a song in every blog, be it title or otherwise. Let me explain my blog address. Catchmybananapancakes...a combination of two songs, Catch My Disease by Ben Lee and Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. If you don't know them, you really should and lucky for you they are on my playlist to the right of here. I went through at least 15 different combinations of song titles before I landed on the current one. Both are good songs so I figured why not? And maybe, just maybe I pictured random people visiting this blog and imaginining themselves trying to catch banana that works out for them, I would love to hear. Really, I just wanted this blog to be someplace to write my thoughts and share what I was thinking....even a few loyal readers? Go ahead and Please, Open Your Heart and Catch My Disease!


About This Blog

This blog is a collection of my everyday thoughts, feelings and actions. I view it as a release of what it going on in my life and an opportunity to share it with everyone. I try to be creative with what I post, but it often involves lots of short posts and photographs. I am not quite sure I have the same humor and interests as all of my viewers but I hope that it catches your attention nonetheless. Without further ado, Open Your Heart and Catch My Disease! Enjoy my piece of the blogging world!

Lorem Ipsum

My Tunes

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