Any Place In The World...

>> Saturday, May 17, 2008

Has anyone ever just looked at a globe or map of the world and you kept going back to one spot inparticular? You just imagine visiting one place over and over in your mind? Well I want to know what it is.....please do share and I might share with you. And a shout out to aunt gina! I know you will answer:)


Graphic Content...Must be 18 to read

Must be at least 18 years of age to read.....So what I am about to share with you is an exact conversation at work yesterday between the Scoob and Brett. Okay maybe not exact, but pretty dang close. And this was only the first day....a whole 15 weeks left. (Brett: Scoob, did centennial call you back? Scoob: Yaaaa they did. Brett: What did you find out about the phone? Scoob: They want me to pay um 40$. Hell I ain't payin them no 40$. Brett: Ah scoob why not, I thought they was your friends. Scoob: Shit I thought they were my friends too. Austin: Scoob, I'd never ask you for 40$. Scoob: For 40$ I oughta at least get a bj with it or they should something for me. I bet Brittany would've done something for me. Brett: Who's Brittany? Scoob: O I don't know...some whore or skank...i don't know, that's what was written on the play equipment at the tot lot. Even had her number there. Brett: Austin, do you got a girlfriend? Austin: Ya I do...her name is Charlene. Brett: Oh, does she know what you are doing with brittany? what about you jace? Do you have a g/f? Jace: Nope. Brett: I always knew you were gay. Just kidding. But I can call Brittany for you if you'd like.)

Sorry if you weren't ready for this.....but I told you.



>> Friday, May 9, 2008

I really just want someone to answer my one of my questions I asked in the last post....


Tell Me What Your Thinking...Superman?

>> Monday, May 5, 2008

I was browsing through myspace for music tonight when I came across two songs that I really like, but I had forgotten all about. The first was by Joe Brooks, Superman. And it prompted me to write this blog. Truthfully the song has nothing to do with the connection I am about to make besides the name Superman. So all through high school, middle school too, my friends and I (mainly Kj) would argue about which superhero would win, Batman or Superman? Simple answer to a simple question really. Superman. Hands down. Just follow the logic. Batman, although he is insanely rich, doesn't have any special powers. He does have a wicked sweet car and a butler and if I am to be honest, he has better villains too. The thing is Superman has about every super power imaginable! Superman doesn't need the car that Batman has because he can run/fly where he wants to go faster than a speeding bullet! Yea he doesn't have the villains but that doesn't count for anything in a fight between Batman and Superman anyways does it? Basically, if they were to fight Superman would destroy Batman....and if you say Batman could use kryptonite, Supermans only weakness, I think you would be forgetting that Batman is just a regular guy with all the same weaknesses as you and I, he's just rich. Superman wins.

So the other song which I was reminded of tonight was by Say No More, Tell Me What Your Thinking. Enjoy it!

P.S. Who is your favorite superhero? And/Or If you could have one superpower what would it be?


Blogging Friends

>> Sunday, May 4, 2008

Check out a few of my friends blogs...

Pennies From Heaven
Melt Like Butter
The Bigelows


About This Blog

This blog is a collection of my everyday thoughts, feelings and actions. I view it as a release of what it going on in my life and an opportunity to share it with everyone. I try to be creative with what I post, but it often involves lots of short posts and photographs. I am not quite sure I have the same humor and interests as all of my viewers but I hope that it catches your attention nonetheless. Without further ado, Open Your Heart and Catch My Disease! Enjoy my piece of the blogging world!

Lorem Ipsum

My Tunes

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