I was browsing through myspace for music tonight when I came across two songs that I really like, but I had forgotten all about. The first was by Joe Brooks,
Superman. And it prompted me to write this blog. Truthfully the song has nothing to do with the connection I am about to make besides the name Superman. So all through high school, middle school too, my friends and I (mainly Kj) would argue about which superhero would win, Batman or Superman? Simple answer to a simple question really. Superman. Hands down. Just follow the logic. Batman, although he is insanely rich, doesn't have any special powers. He does have a wicked sweet car and a butler and if I am to be honest, he has better villains too. The thing is Superman has about every super power imaginable! Superman doesn't need the car that Batman has because he can run/fly where he wants to go faster than a speeding bullet! Yea he doesn't have the villains but that doesn't count for anything in a fight between Batman and Superman anyways does it? Basically, if they were to fight Superman would destroy Batman....and if you say Batman could use kryptonite, Supermans
only weakness, I think you would be forgetting that Batman is just a regular guy with all the same weaknesses as you and I, he's just rich. Superman wins.
So the other song which I was reminded of tonight was by Say No More, Tell Me What Your Thinking.
Enjoy it!P.S. Who is your favorite superhero? And/Or If you could have one superpower what would it be?